Heatwave Highlights: A July Digest

Work, work, and more work

Working 5 days a week like a real adult. I was doing a mixture of Clearing (where I help with last minute applications), FSET (future students enquiry team, where I help answer student life questions and others questions), and School Liaisons (where I work with children between the ages of 10 to 17 to facilitate campus visits and course taster events).

Summer School! We had two different schools, I was a night mentor for both. What I did was meet the school and go to the beach BBQs and hangout with them in the evening. Stayed in the same flat as them in case they needed anything from me. Woke them up and got them ready for the day. Met up with them again for evening activities, dinner at our student bar. Woke them up for the final day of activities then met them again at lunch for goodbyes and photos.


I’ve officially started leading at a local Scout Troop again. Primarily for my Duke of Edinburgh Gold but it’s nice to be Scouting again. My first evening was Archery and the second was an end of year BBQ which was super fun.


I had a beach BBQ with my work friends (who have become real friends). We all brought random food and drinks for everyone to have something. It was really nice to hang out with people again (I’ve been working too much to socialise).

We had a big celebration dinner between our Summer Schools. Pizza Express for dinner then Spoons for drinks.


Going home again! I went home for an Awards Ceremony which was for everyone in the county to present their recent achievements, my award was Duke of Edinburgh Silver. It was nice to be presented the award but no one was there for me to talk about my experiences which kind of made the event not worth racing home for but it was still a good-ish night overall.

Went to my Mom’s graduation in London, I’m so freaking proud of her <3

TLDR; I’m being a busy bod but I’m making time for my friends and family <3

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