Melodic Memoirs: A March Digest

Work life

Slaying the month away with 6 shifts, I know that doesn’t seem like much but Student Ambassador shifts are scarce so I’m stoked to even have 4 shifts a month. At least next month’s paycheck will be nice and healthy. Most of this month’s shifts were for Schools Liaison which included school visits at their campus’ or our campus which was school. An open day shift and then a Woman’s Football match visit (a place for children to play before the match starts). I really enjoy my job as a Student Ambassador so I have no complaints haha.

Uni life

I’ve been getting on well with uni work. Nothing “important” to turn in but still stimulating work to do so I’ve been keeping up. I’ve started a new society at my university, I’m fortunate enough to be the President which I’m excited for!

TLDR; Normal-ish month of working and doing university stuff.

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