Heartfelt Happenings: A February Digest

Bit boring aren’t you, Li?

Not a lot of exciting things happened this month that wasn’t already “normal” in previous months. My “normal” day consists of: waking up for uni, going to uni, hanging with friends between or after uni, going home to spend some time with my boyfriend + online friends, bullet journal, sleep. Rinse and repeat.


Unfortunately, due to space management, I’m unable to attend Roverway anymore. This means the first roverway patrol will get the opportunity to attend so at least we have one patrol from our county going. Although it’s a shame we can’t go anymore, I wish the other patrol luck on their time there.


I took part in my first Codejam! Our brief was to create an environmental education game, mostly aimed towards school children. Unfortunately, my group didn’t win but the category we won in was “Most Professional Presentation” which I’ll take as a W because I put effort into making a good PowerPoint and json files for the project. I know where I can improve for my next codejams so hopefully I’ll win one before I graduate haha

TL;DR: And remember, with a little bit of education, and an insane amount of luck, you too, can look like me kaaaa-choww.

Yes I did make a Cars reference, sue me 🙂

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